KKC Works to Help Establish Whistleblower Protections

Published On: March 20th, 2012

Partner Stephen Kohn was invited as an honored guest and participant of the founding convention of the Bosnian Whistleblowers Association. “Uzbunjivaci protiv korupcije” was held in Sarajevo, the capital of BiH in March, 2012. Kohn visited Bosnia and Herzegovina to work with local government officials and NGOs to help establish whistleblower protections and promote anti-corruption.

Founding Conference – Kohn discusses the importance for strong laws for whistleblowers


Members and participants at the founding conference of the whistleblowers in Bosnia organization.

Kohn addressing employees and contractors at the U.S. Embassy on the need for strong whistleblower protections



A major highlight of the visit was Kohn’s participation in a government and NGO headed roundtable where various constituents pledged their support for whistleblowers.

Participants included U.S. Ambassador Patrick Moon, the head of Bosnia’s Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption, the Cabinet of the Chair of the Council of Ministers, parliamentarians from the House of Peoples of BiH, and representatives from the Ministries of Justice of BiH and FBiH, the Court of BiH, FBiH Bar Association, Transparency International, the British Embassy, and USAID.

During the roundtable discussion, Kohn presented the “Road map for better protection of whistleblowers in BiH” which included the 10 principles necessary to protect employees, so they can detect and report fraud without fear of reprisal.

With the support of the American and British embassies, the Bosnian Whistleblowers Association translated and published the 10 principles to protecting whistleblowers written by Stephen Kohn. They were provided to high ranking officials as a foundation of Bosnian whistleblowing law.

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